I woke up Friday morning ready to plan an evening with a loved one before I took them to the airport in the morning. As I was headed to shop for the night I approached my car in disbelief.
The window had been smashed to a million pieces and my car was left, open and exposed. A sudden rush of fear flooded my body. What had they taken? Was the person still nearby? Should I call the police?
I peered into the window and everything looked in place, as it was when I parked it the night before. I typically park in heavily lit areas in my neighborhood, but apparently that mattered not in this circumstance. Someone had broken my window but shattered my sense of safety in my neighborhood.
I called my insurance and filed a claim – only moment later to have them tell me that they would not be able to cover the damage. The policy I currently hold does not cover broken windows. Of course it doesn’t. I’ve never once had an insurance company for a single issue. I lost a car in 2017 through some loophole technicality with Lyft and am still suffering the credit damages that situation caused.
I sat in my car, just staring at the glass on the passenger seat. I don’t even own a vacuum that I could use to get rid of this glass. I checked my bank account – something I’d been afraid to do since my income got shaky earlier this month and I’ve been taking odd jobs to make enough to survive while I look for more employment.
Yup, I’m broke lol. This isn’t a surprise nor is it the first time I’ve gone through something like this. Last year I just drank my way through this shit…now I gotta deal with it sober!
I called around only to learn that most places want upwards of $250 to fix the window. That just wasn’t going to happen. So it was suggested that we try to find a window at a Pick-A-Part place and have THAT installed.
I posted about my window situation on social media and a few angels came to my aid. I wasn’t asking for money but suddenly I had enough to fix my window thanks to the generosity of others. I will, in fact, pay this back to them some day or pay it forward to others in the coming year when my wallet isn’t so darn empty.
I sometimes forget that I have such an amazing support system when it comes to my family and friends. These people care about me and I am so lucky to have them.
I’ve reflected on this situation and I realized that I’m not the only one struggling this month. I realized that the person who did this to my car is struggling too. It’s the holidays for them too. In fact, they are likely way worse off then I can even imagine.
Whenever they are and whatever they are doing – I hope that life gets better for them. I hope they find peace and happiness. But more importantly I hope they find people in their life that show them love.
I am so fortunate to have people in my life who never let me fall. No matter what, they are there and I’m never going through any of this alone even if my depression and anxiety sometimes tells me otherwise.
I am incredibly grateful and this situation has shown me so much. That I should be grateful for what I have and situations like this are not the end of the world. It may have come at a very inconvenient time but this situation showed me that it’s all going to be okay.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to those that reached out and helped and those that offered a shoulder to cry on and words of encouragement. You have helped me more than you know and I appreciate it beyond what I can even express in words.
I got the window fixed and that same night it rained like crazy.
Everything happens for a reason. I believe the universe wanted me to open my eyes and be grateful.
I was reminded of this song on Christmas while chatting with my brothers about Adam Sandler and a movie that featured this song…and i think it’s perfect for this post.
Love Reign O’er Me – so powerful, love and rain. Enjoy my friends.
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