So a friend of mine purchased these two masks for me – one is a unicorn, the other a horse. We’ve had an on-going joke for quite some time about these masks and how I want to get them and wear them pretty much everywhere.
So I’ve been figuring out ridiculous ways to incorporate these masks. Here’s one of the first ways I’ve incorporated them. Stay tuned for more ridiculousness.
I won’t even tell you how many times we had to film this because you can’t see a damn thing in these masks. You see, the nostrils are the holes from which you can see and well….you still can’t see shit. We are playing this song by feel and feel alone! So pardon my many bass line mistakes.
Queen – Another One Bites the Dust Parody Cover by NikkiBobby (yes, that’s our band name – learn it, live it, love it).