Bonjour from Paris! Saturday was 60 days Sober and I celebrated it quietly relaxing in this new city. As I sit here this morning sipping coffee, I’m grateful. Grateful for the love of my family and friends that helped me get here and supported me. Grateful for my traveling companions Adam and Taylor as we are set to explore this awesome city together and make new memories! Most of all, grateful to have another crack at this thing called life!
Sometimes the outside world can seem like a daunting scary place and all you want to do is stay indoors. At least that’s what my anxiety and depression would like me to believe and do. It can make you forget that you are strong, you can do great things and that you SHOULD live your life the way you want. N’oublie pas de vivre! Meaning don’t forget to live. Go! Live! Thrive! That’s my plan for today.
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