30 days ago I picked up this coin and it was the best decision I could’ve made for myself. I was on a path of severe self-destruction that very few people knew about. Family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances – I hid my dirty little secret from pretty much everyone. Today, I’m in such a better place and am focused on continuing to stay away from alcohol and grow as a person.

I made a lot of mistakes, I lost jobs, I hurt people around me but most of all I was self-sabotaging at an alarming rate. I won’t get into the details on this public forum but I found a new bottom 30 days ago and I’ve vowed to work continually to never get to that dark place again.
I am not perfect, I am not always the happy person you see in photos and real talk – I’m an alcoholic. I’ve fully accepted that I am powerless to control that addiction and I will spend the rest of my life fighting a disease I’m just beginning to understand, accept and fight against. This may make some people think differently of me and I cannot control that. What I hope for is a brighter future that is not controlled by alcohol.
One day at a time. Today is day 30 for me and I’m thankful to be alive and I’m thankful for so many people supporting me and being there when I hit my low. You know who you are and I will spend the rest of my life being grateful for you all and each day I’m still on this planet living life.
I feel alive again and ready to tackle to world!!!
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