Better Help – Affordable Online Therapy and resources. I use Better Help for my own therapy and cannot recommend it enough. This is an affiliate link – meaning if you click it, I will get credit for referring you. That means they give me a week free on my own therapy costs. Click here to sign up.

MeatHead Movers – Helping People Leave Abusive Situations
This company helps move women out of abusive living situations FREE of charge. If you are looking for a way out and need help, reach out. Here’s an article about them and how I learned about them https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/meathead-movers-helps-women-leave-abusive-homes/

BadAssArmy – Leaked Nudes Justice
BadAssArmy – This company helps if you have someone leak your nudes. “BADASS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support to victims of revenge porn/image abuse, and eradicating the practice through education, advocacy, and legislation.” You have options and there is help out there if someone does this to you. It happened to me and I felt utterly lost. I hope you never have to use this resource.

Revenge Porn Guide – VPNMentor
VPNMentor has shared a thorough revenge porn guide with me. While I hope this never happens to you, it’s important to know what to do in case it does. There are actionable steps you can take in the image above to begin the process of getting anything removed. As the image suggests, don’t blame yourself. This has happened to myself as well as so many others. This is not your fault and you are not alone. Revenge porn is a crime.