Do you self persecute? Do you have a tendency to make yourself out to be the bad guy in virtually ever scenario? Maybe you’ve gone through a breakup and you’re sitting around just blaming yourself. Or you lost a job or ran out of money and you beat yourself up over the failure of it all. I’m here to tell you to knock that shit off right now! Self persecution, while it may keep you humble at times, will only lead to hurt and pain in the long run. it can hold you back from reaching your full potential. So I’m here today to share some of my story and how to stop self persecuting so you can move onward and upward.
Disclaimer: I share a couple stories from my own personal life in this one. Keep in mind that stories I share, identities are kept secret and they are not told to disparage the person for which I’m speaking about. Most are told from my point of view and opinions of those involved could vary greatly from my own. In any case, that’s my disclaimer to remind folks that these stories are one sided and should be taken for what they are, example from my life.
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