This week I took the leap and submitted myself to a role I thought was particularly well suited for me and by well suited I mean it’s a punk rock looking chick who channels her anger and frustration into music. Yup, that sounds like me.
I submitted and within hours was asked to come in for an audition in a couple days. This part is particularly challenging in that I would also be required to use two addition skills that I have, but haven’t used in quite some time – singing and playing bass. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve used both of those together before, but here goes nothing.

Fake it till you make it…..
If you are not making yourself uncomfortable with new challenges and situations are you really even growing? I feel like I have sort of plateaued over the last few months just kind of skating by. Of course, the world has sort of also been falling apart soooooo there’s my excuse.
I’m also filming Thursday and Friday for a show that we are transitioning my character to be the lead in – so that’s pretty freaking exciting too. Even if I don’t get this particular audition (the odds tend to lean in the favor of a no over a yes in Hollywood) I’m still going to be a working actor regardless.

Needless to say, I’m excited. It’s something i’ve been pondering for over a year I’d say. I bet I can even link to post where I was considering making a comeback. Yup, here it is. Ooooh Look at that, I wrote it on June 29th while in Spain last year.
Anywhoooooo they always say, better late then never. So here I am, getting back into it with realistic expectations and the vibe that I’m just going to have some fun. Booking the audition is a success and now it’s just time to play and have fun.
With that said, It’s time to channel my inner Joan Jett and rock the shit out of my audition tomorrow. Then slay filming Thursday and Friday.
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